Carmel Student Ministry (7th-12th)

Guiding Students Toward
Faith in Christ


Carmel Student Ministry

We exist to equip, encourage and challenge 7th-12th graders to live what we call “ABLE” lives. We partner with families to equip and connect parents while providing students with opportunities to grow in Christ.

Your First Visit Stay Connected

  • Strengthen your relationship with Jesus
  • Build friendships
  • Live out your faith
  • Impact the world

Your First Visit

If you’ve never been to Carmel, or are new to Student Ministry, we know that figuring things out can be challenging.

We want to make it easier for you!

Whether you plan on coming for Sunday small groups or Midweek (MDWK) Worship on Wednesdays from September through April, let Ryan Jackson, our Student Pastor, know you’re coming! Ryan would be happy to show you where to go and connect you with others.

Plus…your student gets a free item from our cafe on their first MDWK visit!

Email Ryan
Sunday FAQ’s
Midweek FAQ's

Upcoming Events

2024-2025 Important Dates

Survivor Retreat: March 21-23, 2025

Milestone 6: Launching with Purpose

Camp Carmel: June 17 - 21, 2025

Poland Mission Trip: June 27 - July 5, 2025

Mission Trip: June 28 - July 5, 2025

Mission Trip: June 29 - July 3, 2025

Mission Trip: Joy Ministry - August 3 - August 8, 2025

Equip Your Student to Lead and Grow

Students are given opportunities to use their gifts and explore God’s purpose for them through a variety of leadership opportunities within Carmel Students:

  • Student Leadership
  • CS Band
  • Special Events & Activities

Sunday Discipleship Community Small Groups

Meeting weekly at 9:30 and 11:00am, Sunday Discipleship Community small groups are an opportunity for 7th-12th grade students to develop friendships and build community by gathering together around God’s Word. The programming is exactly the same at both times, so pick the time that works for you!

Below is a general structure for the day:

  • 9:30 / 11:00 – Hang out
  • 9:35 / 11:05 – Welcome and Move to Grade-Based Classrooms
  • 9:45 / 11:15 – Lesson Introduction
  • 10:00 / 11:30 – Small Groups
  • 10:40 / 12:10 – Wrap up

Let us know when you plan on coming and we can help connect you. Please email Ryan ( to let us know you plan to come

Midweek (MDWK) Worship

Midweek is held Wednesdays during the school year from 6:15-7:45pm. MDWK is a great first step for any student to get involved

Each week is a bit different but always includes time to hang out, variety time, worship, message, and some time in peer led small groups. A typical schedule looks like this:

  • 6:15 – Hang out in the Student Center
  • 6:35 – Welcome and Variety Time
  • 6:45 – Worship
  • 7:00 – Message
  • 7:30 – Student Led Small Groups
  • 7:45 – Wrap up

Students enter into the building through the Student Center entrance at 6:15pm. We can’t wait for you to come!

Student Leadership

The purpose of Student Leadership is to develop ownership by participating in ministry areas, discovering giftedness through serving in the Church, provide mentorship, and to deepen their faith in Christ. Student Leadership Teams include the greeting team, backstage team, variety team, CSTV team, social media team, and MDWK small group leaders. All students in 7th-12th grade are welcome to apply, however not all who apply will be selected. Please take time to pray and read through the team descriptions and requirements before applying. Find the Student Leadership Covenant here and the team descriptions and requirements in the Student Leadership Application here.

CS Band

The Carmel Students Band leads worship regularly at Midweek. We desire for students, who are gifted in music and have an interest in serving, to plug in and develop their abilities while learning what it means to be a worship leader. CS Band members hold the same covenant expectations as other Student Leaders in addition to competency in their craft. Interested students will apply and audition through video and potentially an in-person audition. If you are interested in serving and using your talent to lead worship, take some time to read the Student Worship Team qualifications and expectations here.

The Carmel Milestone Pathway

The Milestone Pathway is a plan to help guide parents as they seek to cultivate faith at home through each stage of development from family dedication in the preschool years to launching them with purpose as they graduate high school.

Carmel Students focuses on:

  • Milestone 4: Living with Integrity
  • Milestone 5: Stepping into Adulthood
  • Milestone 6: Launching with Purpose

Learn more about The Milestone Pathway and register for Milestone Events.


My teen wants to get more involved but isn't sure what's available. Are there other options to plug in?

Absolutely, there are lots of ways for teens to get plugged in! There are Student Leadership opportunities throughout Carmel. Opportunities are available in Preschool, Childrens, Students, Prayer, Worship, and Connections Ministries here at Carmel. Getting involved allows teens to use their gifts, grow in faith and leadership, build relationships and make an impact. Have your teen reach out to Ryan Jackson, our Student Pastor, to explore what God might be calling them to!

I want to support my teen as they grow in faith. Are there any resources to help families?

We understand how important families are in a teen’s faith journey, so we provide many resources to equip you. Check out the Family Resources section of our website for devotional guides, books, videos and podcast recommendations. Also, attend any of our family training events to walk with other parents and be encouraged as you disciple your teen. We’re here to partner with you!

Is your student interested in Baptism?

Whether your student is ready to be baptized, has questions about baptism, or wants to talk with someone about baptism, you’re in the right place. Please complete this form and someone from Carmel Students will be in touch:

Carmel Baptist Baptism Interest Form

Let us know you're interested in being baptized! One of our team will reach out to set up a time to talk.

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Are there opportunities for me to serve in Carmel Students?

Yes! We would love to have you serve with us, check out the Join a Team page to catch our vision for serving students and let us know you’d like to serve. You can also email Ryan to talk about what opportunities there are in Carmel Students.

How can we stay up to date with everything going on?

Great question! Here are the best ways to stay in the loop:

  • Visit our Student Ministry Event Calendar.
  • Subscribe to our email newsletter with all the latest updates.
  • Follow us on Instagram and YouTube for quick announcements, inspiration and fun stuff.
  • Email us anytime at – we’re happy to answer any questions!

We want all families fully connected to what God is doing in the lives of teens here. Please let us know if there’s any other way we can help you stay updated!

Need something else?

With so much going on in the Student Ministry, we want to make it easy to help you get what you need. If have a question about anything, here are some ways to reach out:


Call the Church Office at (704) 847-8575