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Gospel Power: A Study of Romans (Part 1)

Leaders: Cheryl Johnson

THURSDAY MORNINGS @ 9:30 – 11:30am

Paul begins the letter to the Romans with a succinct definition of the gospel in 1:16-17. For the next 15 chapters, Paul unpacks that definition, providing his readers with an incredible history behind and explanation of the gospel and the salvation it offers to all people. Through a verse-by-verse study of the letter, we will seek to understand the power of the gospel in greater depth.  In addition, we will look at two different theological views and their interpretation of several verses throughout Romans. Above all, our goal will be to have a deeper understanding of the gospel, a greater love for God in all He did for us through it, and a desire to share the power of the gospel with as many people as we can.  Come join us as we begin a year-long journey through this amazing letter.

Registration Opens August 12 at 9:00am: REGISTER
